Vision On Wilshire

Silver! (54 Points)

LEED® BD+C v2009 15037

Steinberg Hart

General Contractor

MATT Construction

Civil Engineer


Mechanical Engineer

Electrical Engineer
A. J. Kirkwood & Associates
Plumbing Engineer
Donald F. Dickerson Associates

Landscape Architect

MBL Energy

Better, greener buildings are impacting our lives in many ways. First, building construction has been managed to minimize its environmental impact. Second, the building itself is designed to require less energy and water to operate than a similar building of this type, lessening its environmental strain. For residents and building users, the building shelters improved indoor air quality and energy and water savings through the appliances and fixtures installed. Buildings built with sustainability as a goal have been proven to be healthier and more environmentally friendly compared to standard building practices. The LEED® Silver target was established early in the planning process. The design team was careful to consider the environmental impacts of building energy and water systems and future tenant fit outs. The project included several energy and water conservation strategies, as listed below. LEED® means Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

The project is a new, eighteen (18) story residential tower with ground floor retail spaces, three (3) level of subterranean parking and four (4) levels of above ground parking. The residential units are located levels five (5) through seventeen (17), above a podium. Level 18 in reserved for the building plant and other support areas. Level 19 includes the rooftop amenities: a club room and the pool area. It is located at the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Crescent Heights Avenue, in Los Angeles.

Vision on Wilshire | 6245 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048
LEED® Building Design and Construction | New Construction  v2009 – Silver Certification!

17% Energy savings compared to ASHRAE 90.1-2007 baseline
87% Construction waste diverted from landfill
61% Potable water use reduction for irrigation
33% Potable water use reduction for water fixtures

Community Connectivity

  • Project located within ½ mile of at least 10 basic services, for better community connectivity with a Walkscore of 93.
  • Project located within ½ mile of at least 6 public and rapid bus lines, for better public transportation access.
  • Project provides 5% of parking spaces with Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.

Efficient Water Use

  • Landscape design included a drip irrigation system reducing irrigation demand by over 61%
  • Rainwater capture on site for reuse for irrigation purposes at street level.
  • Installed low-flow water fixtures and low-flush toilets reducing indoor water demand by 33.39%
  • Toilets = 1.28 gpf, Showerheads = 1.8 gpm, Faucets = 1.5 gpm

Efficient Energy Use

  • Recommended action for tenants: Set up and program Nest thermostat. Tie up to Wi-Fi. The Nest thermostats provide great feedback on energy consumption and potential energy savings.
  • 17.73% Energy Savings compared to ASHRAE 90.1-2007 by installing:
    • High-efficiency HVAC: Water sources heat pumps with and EER =14, COP = 4.5
    • Optimizing domestic hot water: The condensing gas boiler installed has an efficiency of 93%, while the baseline has 80%.
    • Lighting design: the lighting loads have been calculated based on installed wattage, and through the use of LED and high-efficacy lighting, allowed a reduction in lighting energy consumption. Most of the savings are due to the large parking area with a highly efficient lighting design (compared to the baseline allowance).
    • Envelope (Ext. Walls: Spandrel with R-11 batt insulation, Roof: R-30 insulation, Glazing: Res U-f = 0.3, SHGC = 0.25 ; NRes U-f=0.71, SHGC = 0.38)
  • 35% of electricity use over a two-year period is provided for by green power offsets

Enhanced Indoor Environmental Quality

  • The refrigerants in the HVAC&R system minimize the emission of compounds that contribute to ozone depletion and global climate change (R-410 A, average refrigerant impact per ton lower than 100).
  • The breathing zone outdoor air ventilation rates in all occupant spaces have been increased by at least 30% from the minimum rates set by ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 in order to improve indoor air quality for improved occupant comfort, well-being, and productivity.
  • All interior adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings VOC content complies with local codes, all flooring systems are either FloorScore or CRI Green Label Plus, all composite wood does not contain added urea-formaldehyde.
  • Green Cleaning Strategies: Common areas will be cleaned using Green Seal certified cleaning products, and following a set of practices designed to limit chemical exposure of the cleaning crew and the tenants, decrease the amount of dirt entering the building, help to improve indoor air quality and reduce its impact on the environment.

Preservation of Materials and Resources

  • Diverted and recycled over 70% of the construction waste reducing the burden on the landfill.      
  • The project roofing membrane has a Solar Reflectance Index of 104.
  • At least 10% of the project materials contain 20% recycled content and were sourced and manufactured within 500 miles of the project site.
  • For occupant comfort, 92% of the regularly occupied spaces are provided with access to views.

UDR Living Current recommendations:
