Gold! (67 Points)
LEED® FOR HOMES v2010 15053
Electrical Engineer
Plumbing Engineer
Landscape Architect
Solar Thermal
LEED® FOR HOMES v2010 15053
Coachella Valley Housing Coalition
Danielian Associates
General Contractor
Brown Construction
Civil Engineer
Urban Resource
Mechanical Engineer
Gouvis Engineering
Electrical Engineer
Gouvis Engineering
Plumbing Engineer
Gouvis Engineering
Landscape Architect
Urban Arena
Solar Thermal
Promise Energy
Green Accomplishments
• Optimize Energy Performance to exceed the Title 24 2013 Standard by 18.5% by installing high-efficiency HVAC, optimizing domestic hot water and envelope
• Quality air sealing and insulation installation implemented to greatly reduce envelope leakage and HVAC loads
• Use of high-efficacy lighting throughout the dwelling space to conserve energy
• High-efficiency plumbing fixtures to conserve drinking water
• Landscaping designed with a high-efficiency drip irrigation system and no conventional turf
• Use of environmentally preferable building materials and low VOC products
• Reduced burden on the landfill by diverting and recycling over 77% of the demolition/construction waste