Long Beach & 21st Apartments

Gold! (66.5 Points)
LEED® FOR HOMES v2010 12007
Meta Housing Corporation
PSL Architects

General Contractor
KPRS Construction Services

Civil Engineer
KPFF Consulting Engineers

Mechanical Engineer
S Y Lee Associates
Electrical Engineer
S Y Lee Associates
Plumbing Engineer
S Y Lee Associates

Landscape Architect
Mark Tessier Landscape Architecture

Green Accomplishments

• Integrated building design that outperforms California’s energy standard by 25%

• Careful selection and management of building materials to achieve a landfill diversion rate of 85%

• Outstanding access to community resources, allowing residents walkable access to places of interest

• Vibrant landscaping incorporating a high efficiency irrigation system without the use of turf grass

• Use of on-site infiltration features to retain more rainfall onsite and out of storm drains

• HVAC and exhaust design ensure an energy efficient and well-ventilated building

• High-efficiency plumbing fixtures to conserve drinking water
