Cedar Springs Apartments

Platinum! (103.5 Points)
LEED® FOR HOMES v2008 13106


A Community Of Friends ACOF
David & Margaret Youth and Family Services
Gonzalez Goodale Architects

General Contractor
Walton Construction Services

Structural Engineer
Ming Yang Yeh & Associates

Civil Engineer
United Civil

Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Engineer
S Y Lee Associates
Landscape Architect
MJS Landscape Architecture

Green Accomplishments

Multi-Family Energy Star Homes Certified

Targeting Energy Petal Certification • Living Building Challenge

• Carbon Neutral Building

• Annual EUI of Cedar Springs is 0 kBTU/SF (Net Zero Energy, Carbon Neutral)

• Avoiding 48,952 lbs of CO2 Emissions per year, a 100% emissions offset making this is a Carbon Neutral Building

• Expected Operating Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of 0.0 kBtu/sf annual (meets and exceeds 2030 Challenge Targets)

• Optimize Energy Performance in Mid-Rise Buildings to exceed 56.4% savings compared with Title 24 2008 Standard

• First permitted and installed Greywater System in LA County used for indoor water reuse  graywater

• Deployed a greywater system, recycling water from indoor uses (bathtubs, bathroom sinks, and washing machines), offsetting 100% of the irrigation demand and flushes toilets within apartments

• Greywater system is expected to reduce potable water demand for the project by 40%, saving an estimated 605,000 gallons of potable water per year

• Implemented stormwater quality infiltration feature to capture 100% of stormwater, protecting our waterways and replenishing the aquifer

• Zero stormwater project, allowing all stormwater, with the exception of driveways, to be infiltrated onsite

• Reduced burden on municipal water supply with high efficiency plumbing fixtures, including 1.1 GPF Niagara Stealth toilets

• Reduced burden on the landfill by diverting and recycling over 83% of the demolition/construction waste

• Reduced heat island effects, by providing 70% of the parking located under carports

• All Electric Site (no fossil fuels used)

• PV system designed to offset 100% of all site energy use

• Solar Thermal System designed to offset 50% of natural gas loads for hot water

• All ground floor units are compliant with ADA 2010 using universal design

• Quality air sealing and insulation installation implemented to greatly reduce envelope leakage and HVAC loads

• Used environmentally preferable building materials and low VOC products

