Sustainability Solutions
Many of our client’s projects seek both code compliance and certification through a sustainability rating program. Our firm integrates all client deliverables into a singular platform utilizing the latest collaboration technologies to bridge traditional gaps in communication.

U.S. Green Building Council – LEED
LEED for Building Design and Construction (BD+C)
LEED for Homes (H)
LEED for Interior Design and Construction (ID+C)
LEED for Operations and Maintenance (O+M)
LEED for Neighborhood Development (ND)

Build It Green – GreenPoint Rated
GreenPoint Rated Multifamily New Homes
GreenPoint Rated Multifamily Existing Homes

Department of Energy/Environmental Protection Agency
ENERGY STAR Commercial Buildings Certification
ENERGY STAR Certified Homes
Zero Energy Ready Home Certification (ZERH)

International Living Future Institute
Living Building Challenge Certification (LBC)
Living Building Petal Recognition
Net Zero Energy Building Certification (NZEB)


California Green Building Standards Code
CALGreen Mandatory Measures
CALGreen Tier I Voluntary Measures
CALGreen Tier II Voluntary Measures

Municipal Sustainable Design Programs
Green Building Ordinances
Green Building Reach Codes
Rating Program Equivalency

Low-Income Housing Sustainable Building Methods
California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC)
California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Climate Action Planning (CAP)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GHG)
California AB 802 Reporting
Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)
Carbon Reduction Tons (CRTs)

Our Certified Energy Analysts utilize 3D digital simulation and compliance modeling software to give the most complete understanding of a buildings performance. An optimized building design can leverage substantial returns over the full life-cycle of a project.

Whole-Building Performance Simulations

ASHRAE 90.1 Compliance Calculations

California Title 24 Compliance Calculations

California Utility Allowance Calculations (CUAC)

Utility Rebate Program Calculations
California Advanced Homes Program (CAHP)
California Multifamily New Homes Program (CMFNHP)
Savings By Design (SBD)


Renewable Energy Systems Assessment

Water Re-Use Systems Assessment

Daylighting Performance Assessment

Solar Radiation (Shading and Glazing) Assessment

Hygrothermal Envelope Assessment

Passive Ventilation Assessment

Systems Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA)

Building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Measurement and Verification
IPMVP Options (A/B/C/D)
ASHRAE Guideline 14
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
WegoWise Utility Monitoring

Verification Solutions
3rd Party Verification brings us face-to-face with a project’s contractors, systems, and assemblies. Our Verification team collaborates with the construction team to assure quality installation and performance of building systems. Commissioning and Rating help achieve a balance between building performance and return-on-investment translating designed efficiencies into real operational savings.

California Title 24 Commissioning

LEED Fundamental Commissioning

LEED Enhanced Commissioning

ASHRAE Guideline 0 Total Building Commissioning

ASHRAE Guideline 1 HVAC&R Commissioning

NIBS Guideline 3 Building Enclosure Commissioning

Residential Central Systems Commissioning (LEED for Homes)


On-Going Commissioning


Energy Benchmarking
ASHRAE Level I Audits
ASHRAE Level II Audits
ASHRAE Level III Audits

ENERGY STAR Construction Inspections
Thermal Enclosure System Rater Checklist
HVAC System Quality Installation Rater Checklist
Water-Managed Construction Checklist
Indoor airPlus Verification Checklist
SWPPP Measures Observation

Home Energy Rating System (HERS)
California Energy Commission (CEC)
Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET)
HERS I – Alterations and Newly Constructed Homes
HERS II – Whole House Rater
HERS Solar Photovoltaic
HERS Utility Rebate Program EEM Verifications

Diagnostic Testing
Building Envelope Air Leakage
Quality Insulation Installation (QII)
Existing Conditions Verification (HERS II)
Duct Leakage Measurement
Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space
Low Leakage Air-Handling Units
Duct Location Verification
Forced Air System Fan Efficacy
Forced Air System Airflow Rate
Refrigerant Charge Verification
Rated Space Conditioning System Verification
Whole Building Ventilation Airflow
Verified Duct System Design
Duct Surface Area Verification
Buried/Deeply Buried Duct Verification
Hot Water System Distribution/Recirculation
Combustion Safety Testing


The role of a Provider Organization is to work with a group of LEED® for Homes Green Raters to provide guidance and quality assurance of their third party verification services.

If you are interested in registering a project with Green Dinosaur as the Provider please fill out this form.

If you are a LEED® for Homes Green Rater and would like to complete a Green Rater agreement with Green Dinosaur as your Provider please contact Tia Troxel.

Green Dinosaur, Inc. was approved by Green Business Certification, Inc. (GBCI) as a LEED® for Homes Provider Organization for the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED® for Homes Green Building Rating System, effective June 22, 2017.

Our design team of Professional Engineers, Registered Architect and green building professionals allows for a collaborative approach to reaching project goals without losses of time and communication between separate consulting firms. A step closer to turn-key, Green Dinosaur, Inc. delivers the vision of our clients by integrating an extensive knowledge base of green building pursuits directly into design solutions.

Civil Engineering

Landscape Architecture

Water Re-Use Engineering

Structural Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Plumbing Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Solar Energy Engineering



Schematic Design (SD)

Design Development (DD)

Construction Documents (CD)

Plan Check and Permitting

Bidding and Award

Construction Administration

Close-Out and Occupancy
